a re-set into ease
In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we are faced with a lot of stimuli. All these stimuli cause reactions and emotions in our body. After a while, this can give you a feeling that you are "full". Receiving a massage helps to release the imprints of those stimuli, so that you feel lighter, and experience a greater sense of Ease.
what gives Thai massage its therapeutic character?
Each massage pays attention to the five nature-oriented principles of the BATC. The interplay of energy, drainage, rebalancing the nervous sytem, nutrition and mental well-being.
A full body-massage helps to keep muscles and joints flexible. Deep contact with muscles stimulates the drainage of the lymphatic fluid, so that waste products leave your body faster. You can see that as a natural detox.
The body's self-healing ability is also activated. This gives massage its therapeutic character. By stimulating the self-healing capacity, various complaints that arise from stress can be remedied. Complaints such as tension headaches, chronic fatigue, stiff neck and back muscles or sleeping problems.
need this re-set?
I would like to hear what you want to focus on and whether you want to work on a specific theme.
Themes I work with include:
Psychosomatic issues, backaches, nervousness, stress-related issues such as having trouble sleeping or experiencing tension headaches.
“Floor guided, supported and challenged me in my process. She provided a safe space in which to let it all out and to gain back my inner strength. I shall forever be grateful.”